Hello, and welcome to ~~~CeLeStE's wAy RaD pAgE~~~. I've had a webpage for over a year now, but I decided to make another one. Why? Because I'm not always the same person. No, I'm not schizophrenic... it's just that I'm what you might call a "True Spice Girl." EH?!?!? No again, I'm not a British pop star. It's just that I'm a chameleon. I change styles, attitudes, music tastes, moods, etc. all the time. My other web page was really, really cutesy, which is fine for a lot of the time, but I wanted to change the page to match ME more... and have more of a variety of moods and styles.
Hopefully my past readers will still enjoy my page, and also I hope to attain new ones. Well, that's about all for now... see ya later!

You are the person to visit my brand-new site.

Before I redid the counter, it was about 2300. So add that to the above number.

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