Here's what I got for Christmas '97...

chocolate (yum!)
set of drawers painted like a house
pumpkin that you open and it has a ghost & bats inside
little tiny dogs (about 1 inch tall)
sheet protectors (for my scrapbooks!)
angel seal set (wax seals thing)
Santa Cruz sweater (from Delia*s catalog)
Double-Take Pants (from Delia*s catalog)
Chain Mail Choker (from Delia*s catalog)
Oliver Twist
To Kill A Mockingbird
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
snowman beanie baby
tape measure
makeup thingy
Tommy Girl sample
magic tree (one of those rock growing things)
The Power of One-Soundtrack
Sarah McLachlan-Surfacing
Enigma-MCMXC aD
Tonic-Lemon Parade
Reese's tin lunchbox (YUM!!!!!!)
pajama pants (nice 'n' cozy!)