Tami and Breanna

My buds Tami and Breanna...Tami's on the computer and Breanna's checking out the yearbook. My other best bud is Ashleigh, but until she lets me take her picture I don't have any of her.

Tami likes to sew and make puppets and other crafts. She has 2 brothers and a sister, and her parents are Lebanese. She had to go live in Lebanon for a year (her 7th grade year). Her dog Odie is a psycho chihuahua who tried to eat me. The first time I went to her house I heard a "Yip! Yip!" and looked down. There was a 3-pound cute little doggie. I reached to pet him but he didn't agree, and suddenly latched onto my hand. I still have scars from that dog. He has problems.

Breanna likes Victorian stuff and the American Girls dolls. She's way into music (alternative), especially Bush (or should I say, GAVIN), and she's also into Leonardo diCaprio. She has two sisters, a dog, a cat, a hamster, a guinea pig, and some hermit crabs. About two months ago she only had two sisters, a guinea pig, and some hermit crabs, but she got the dog and cat. And she got a new hamster after her first one died in June. RIP, Taffy.

Both of them are taking TV Production, which I took last year with them but didn't have room in my schedule this year. Sooooo...there you have two of my best bu